Thursday, January 24, 2008

Speaking of Which

The other day, I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work. I paused at the donuts (hmmm...where did I put the donuts?) to pick out a few glazed heavenly yummies.
A gentleman came up behind me and waited his turn.
I said, "Sorry! I'm almost done." [Smile.]
He said, "I'm in no hurry. Take your time!"
I said, "Well that's good because I'm not moving very fast these days!"
We shared a laugh.
Shortly thereafter the same gentleman was in line a couple of people behind me as I was grunting to reach the back of my cart for the last item.
I bagged my groceries and made my way to the car.
He followed me out and said, "Can I help you with your groceries? You just look so...uncomfortable."
Cue intense humiliation.
"Oh! Thank you so much, but I'm fine. I'm almost done!"
"Well, at least let me take your cart."
"Ok, thank you! Thank you so much!"

I'm NOT that uncomfortable, though, folks! That's why it was so embarrassing.
Oh well, apparently chivalry hasn't gasped its last in Oakdale.

Also, Jolene, yes, everyone holds doors for me, while smiling directly at my tummy.
It's a weird feeling.


angie said...

aw, what a gentleman! so he had a lack of words to express himself, he clearly had very nice intentions. :) i say live it up! also, now i'm craving glazed doughnuts. great.

Anonymous said...

Erin, I too say live it up! I enjoyed the attention while it lasted. Once my babies were born, they got it all.

Jodi said...

I know what you mean. I'm not that uncomfortable either, but the looks are amusing. Especially trying to get out of my low car! At least people are helpful.

Jolene said...

I'm with Kris. Live it up!! :)

Carla said...

I remember one stranger Daddy swinging Joshua at the park. He told him, "Momma's gonna rest now."

Anonymous said...

p.s. Erin, please post shower pictures on your blog if you can. I am still bummed that I can't be there. Have a great time!