Friday, January 4, 2008

High Chair

There was a high chair waiting on my front step when I pulled out of the driveway this morning.
My employer has a special program for expectant mothers. If you sign up in your first trimester, you get a free carseat and high chair.
Sweet deal except that they want your first born child by the age of 18.

You laugh now, but we'll see who's laughing in 18 years.


Anonymous said...

Nice!! A high chair and a car seat! If they get the kid by 18, does that mean you're off the hook for putting them through college? LOL!

erin said...

Hmmm...I hadn't thought of that!

kristi noser said...

Oh, I think you can save up for the move to the Bahamas by then. They have to find you first...

Talk to Kelli, by the time Desvousjunior is 16 you might want to consider their kind offer.

Carla said...

Back off, Rumplestiltskin!