Sunday, January 13, 2008

Baby Class: Day Two

I woke up with hives this morning. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 12 hours of baby class that we did this weekend.
Ah, well.
We didn't learn anything that you all don't already know, so instead of telling you what we learned, I'm going to share the Top Five stupid questions asked by our fellow classmates. Please note, all five questions were asked by men. I'm just saying.

5. Can my baby have tummy time while it still has it's umbilical cord stump?
4. When can I take my baby to a Twins game?
3. When can I take my baby swimming?
2. Can I still go to the gym after the baby is born?
and...drum roll, please...
1. How long does food last in the refrigerator?
The nurse's response: Oh, you shouldn't give your baby regular food until your doctor says you can.
Questioner: No, I know, I was just wondering how long food lasts.
Nurse: You know, I don't really know the answer to that one.
A stunned silence filled the room and we broke for refreshments.

I'm glad it's over.

p.s. I have now seen three births on film. I don't need to see any more. I know what's going to happen. I won't be able to stop it. I don't need to see it. Period.


angie said...

ahh, the visual of birth. i think three times is plenty. :)
as for the stupid questions, did anyone go up to the dudes and smack them on their foreheads after the fact? jeez.

kristi noser said...

Yeah, like they could have had a V8!
I wonder how those wives felt at such inane questions.

Cara said...

But it's so beautiful! LOL. Only kidding. It's quite possibly the most disgusting thing that can ever happen to a woman. And our husbands are supposed to be innocent bystanders, and still love us the same. I don't see how.