Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 20

I am officially half-way through with my pregnancy!
Can you BELIEVE it?!
I plan to register this weekend at Babies R Us. Please pray for me and that carseat aisle...
This week, Ajax is 6 1/2 inches long from crown to rump, or 10 inches long from head to feet. He or she also weighs about 10 1/2 ounces this week.
I can feel movement very frequently these days, which makes The Hus crazy. He wakes me up at all hours of the night to ask me if I can feel it. I'm confident that soon he'll be able to feel it!
I must have gotten a fresh batch of hormones last night while I slept. I'm weepy and exhausted today. I treated myself to an iced coffee from McDonald's. It's terrible, but McD's can usually cheer me up. So far, so good.
Hormones rule!
Click on the photo link to learn more about how developed Ajax is this week!


Cara said...

Hooray for halfway! I am glad you are doing well, and are feeling movement! Maybe your hormones can meet my hormones.....


angie said...

alright, can i please see a picture of you? i know you say you're not showing very much, but i'm dying over here!

Katie R. said...

I'm so happy for you. All car seats have to meet guidelines. I don't think you'll mess up. I would highly recomend a 5-point safety harness type that fits in a stroller. This will be helpful as your peanut will be here just in time for nice springtime walks!

Anonymous said...

Halfway is a great thing! I just realized yesterday that I'm in my last week of the second trimester, but January still seems a loooong way a way. lol

Car seats are no biggie. Definitely get one that has a base that stays belted in the car. It makes it a snap to get the carseat in and out. The travel combos that include the carseat, and the base and stroller that the carseat pops into are a beautiful thing.

Oh, and hormones suck. I say go with whatever works. Mine seem to be soothed by a nice bowl of vanilla & chocolate ice cream with a handful of m&m's. :o)