Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Baby Voodoo

Last night, getting ready for Naomi's baby shower next month (more on that closer to the date), Sarah, Cara, Lauren and I repeated a sinful act that Sarah, Cara, Naomi and I first participated in about 4 months ago.
(Cue creepy music.)
Basically, you put a needle in the eraser of a pencil, and put string through the eye of the needle. Then one of your sinful friends dangles this pencil over your wrist to determine not only the sex of your child, but also how many children you will have.
Supposedly it works on non-pregnant women and will "fortel the future" and tell how many kids you will have or HAVE had.
Sarah SWEARS it worked perfectly on her own mother.
Basically, if the pencil sways one way, you're having a girl, the other, it's a boy.
Turns out, both Lauren and I are each having a girl and then a boy. Cara's having four children, and I think Sarah is having two.
I find it necessary to point out that 4 months ago, THE PENCIL told us that Naomi was having a boy, which, she did NOT.
I went to bed last night praying for my immortal soul.
Voodoo! I'm glad my dad is out of town. He would be horrified! (Probably not.)
Anyhow. A fun and interesting (as always) girls night.

**Please, no lectures on how the "little, harmless things" open the door to evil. I know, I know. Believe me.


Anonymous said...

I've got this old Ouija board I'm not using anymore. Want it?

(Totally kidding...haven't done that since Jr. High. I was supposed to marry Rick Ryan.)

Kristin said...

Ajax will be born with a terrible hair cowlick. It's what happens when you mess with stuff...

You know I'm kidding.

theswamphare said...

ask Cheryl about her 'baby-gender test'

kristi noser said...

What? No Drano involved???
Can't be doin' it right without Drano.

Cara said...

Fun times..... Do you REALLY think I am going to have FOUR kids? Yikes.