Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reality Check

I was telling one of my fellow pregnant co-workers how excited I am to meet this baby and that the last two weeks of pregnancy seem longer than the first 38.
She laughed and said, "Well...no matter what, it's going to happen eventually, right?!"
I managed to wait til she walked away and then I threw up a little.
This is actually happening.


Unknown said...

don't worry-you're ready.

Katie R. said...

That baby was sent to you and Richard by God because He knew you two would be the best parents for this little person. He knows what He's doing. You two will do great and all will be okay.

Jodi said...

I know how you feel, excited and scared to death all at once. We'll both get through it! :)

Jolene said...


kristi noser said...

Shoulda thrown up ON her--that'a been fun.

nursiemama said...

You just crack me up, Erin. You will be so-o-o-o excited when the time comes that you will forget to be scared. The 1st babe that I saw born was so awesome to see God's beautiful miracle of life. I started to cry. It still blows me away when I see a baby born. We all know that giving work is hard work and labor, (except for the stupid comment of a male MD who said giving birth is as easy as spitting peanuts. We chastised him and he confessed that if men had to give birth, there wouldn't be any babies born ever. Ain't that the truth!!! But is is worth every minute and you will forget all about the labor when you hold theat precious bundle for the first time...no words are adequate. This is my first ever blog experience. It's kinda fun.

erin said...

Welcome, Nursiemama!
Thanks for the encouragement!
I wish I knew who you are!!