Friday, December 14, 2007

Week 27

I went in for my glucose test today.
It's funny that everybody talks about how everybody talks about how bad it is, but it's really not that bad.
Well, I'm not going to do that.
I didn't mind the drink. What I minded was that everybody wanted to chat while I was trying to drink it. The nurse and lab tech wanted to know all about my Christmas plans, how I'm feeling, etc., so that I felt rude trying to drink something in front of them. Go figure.
About an hour after I finished the beverage, I started feeling light-headed and dizzy, along with the same tunnel vision and sweaty shakiness that I experienced on Wednesday night. No one seemed concerned and as soon as I stuffed. my. face. for lunch I started feeling better. I'm interested to find out the results of the test. If I had to guess, I'd say I seem to be having some blood sugar issues...
My stats from today's visit:
BP: 122/72
Fundal Height: 27.5cm (perfect!)
Baby's heartrate: 156--much higher than last month!
Total weight gain: (drumroll please!) 13 pounds!! Yahoo!

This week, DesvousJunior can open and close its eyes. Its retinas detect and process light (that little thing we call sight). Rich and I argued about what the baby can see right now when it opens its eyes. I maintain that it can see quite a bit of light, but he disagrees. : ) I think I've been feeling baby hiccups occasionally, which is pretty common from here on out. Baby also weighs right around two pounds, depending on who you ask and is between 14-16 inches long with its legs fully extended.
I don't know you all are getting bored with my factoids, but I just find this stuff so interesting.

I'll keep you posted on the glucose test.
There won't be a 27 week photo of me because Rich and I forgot and now he's out of town. Maybe my mom will take one for me tonight, but no promises!


zcoffeegirl said...

Sounds like good timing to get that test done....I'm not's a in the making. of my favorite things about being pregnant. Caleb used to get them every day after I ate lunch. Sweet memory.

kristi noser said...

The glucose junk made me gag. A lot. Maybe it was the fact that everyone said how nasty it was and my head said it was going to be nasty before I even drank it.

Katie R. said...

I had to take the test twice with Anna and the second test they make you drink twice the amount. It got a bit much the second time around. I didn't think it was all THAT bad though. I think sometimes people say the test is bad just because everyone else says it's bad and it's like a chain letter that won't end.

I too like to "hear" about the growth of your baby and all the info. It's so special and fun and the news is new to you and that makes it exciting for me.

Anonymous said...

The drink itself isn't that bad; just an awful lot of sweetness first thing in the morning with nothing else in your stomach. And I've been having the lightheadedness too. I hate that part.