Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 14-15 Check Up

I had my 14-15 Week check up on Friday.
Baby's heartrate was 150-160 and my blood pressure was "beautiful." I have gained 4 pounds in just under 4 months. Fern was very pleased about this--and me, too!
They re-tested my urine because keytones were showing up last time (a signal that my body might not be responding to the pregnancy well and breaking down its own protein). My tests came back perfectly clean this time, though, and Fern (my midwife) said it was probably because I wasn't eating normally and not feeling very well.
It was a nice quick visit.
I am 15 weeks along this week and Baby is the size of a softball. He is fully formed (in God's image!!!) and he is now covered in fine, downy hair called lanugo (this actually started last week). Baby is able to suck his thumb and make faces. His legs are also starting to grow to a more proportionate length to his body, and even though his eyelids are fused shut, he is sensitive to light. Cool, huh?


erin said...

Let me know if the photo-link works.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness,
photo did pull up.
but oh my, fern is your doctor too! she is my gyno, i only see her once a year but. she's nice. did we realize this before? if we did i do not remember.
love sash

kathaleend said...

Do you call her Fern Gully like Lauren does? I found her for the girls when we moved back to Hudson. Does that make us all members of a Fern Club?

theswamphare said...


Not eating well? Let's fix that; when can you and Rich get over here for dinner?


ps 'Fern Gully' sounds like a secret nickname for someones' 'naughty-bits'...sorry, but I had to say it.

Naomi said...

So fun to hear how things are going for you Erin! I think it is about time to post some baseline photos. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE FERN! You have the best baby lady EVER!

Kristin said...


Had a marvelous trip to Minneapolis this weekend. My only regret was not meeting swampy. Maybe if I live right that can happen next time.