Thursday, November 29, 2007

25 Weeks

I'm not keen on posting photos on the internet that show more of my skin than I would show on the beach, but this photo made me say, "Holy CRAP," when I looked at it last night. Richard said, "Yeah, you got really pregnant this week."

Here is a close-up photo of what's going on this week. *If you click on the photo, it will take you to the website. Drag your cursor across each underlined word and you can learn about DesvousJunior!
This week, Baby weighs about 1.5lbs and from head to heels measures about 13.5 inches. Isn't that cool?! It is about the size of an average rutabaga.

Baby is also beginning to "fill out" by gaining body fat. Its hair is also recognizable by color and texture, though it may change after birth.
Birth...which is getting closer and closer. I should get to work!


Anonymous said...

You look so cute!!!!


Anonymous said...

It happens quick once it happens! I was hardly showing for the longest time and now, well, that's not really the case. LOL!

Naomi said...

Holy cow! You did pop out this week! Your belly really looks pregnant now, it's adorable! I can't believe how cute you look Erin! I am so happy for you, and cannot wait to meet DesvousJunior!

kristi noser said...


erin said...

I LOVE it!

Mandi said...

Remember all of those times you said that you wish you were showing?

I'll bet you never say that now!

angie said...

look at you!!!

theswamphare said...

How come 'skinny' doesn't mean that you have a bunch of skin?

Carla said...

Sweet baby belly!

NoOtherName said...

This week you could call him/her "Desvoustabaga"!