Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have been fighting the pacifier battle. When my baby was born she sucked her thumb within minutes. My thought is that if she can pacify herself, why does she need a "plug?" Well, the problem is that she just can't seem to find those darn fingers when she needs them.
Last night, out of desperation, I offered her the pacifier. She was asleep instantly.
I cried, foolishly, near her bassinet and talked to God, "I so wanted her to suck her thumb," I said to Him. As soon as I said it out loud, I realized what a big deal this ISN'T. I fell asleep, too.
This morning when we needed a nap, I resigned myself to the idea that she would probably need her plug to fall asleep. I settled her in bed with it and snuck to the bathroom.

Imagine my joy when I came back to find this:


Cara said...

I have struggled with the whole Nuk thing too. Both of my girls have an incredible urge to suck on something. Finally one of the nurses pacified me by saying, "it can either be your nipple...or a Nuk." I bet you are not surprised to know that we chose the Nuk both times. Now we are just trying to rid Emma of hers.....
On the bright side, you can take away a Nuk, but you can't take away fingers to suck on, so sometimes a Nuk is NOT a bad thing! :)

Anonymous said...

You're right, Erin. In the grand scheme of things, a Nuk isn't really a big deal. I'm glad you both got some sleep.

Kristin said...

Easton was a champion thumb sucker in utero. Within a week he had forgotten how. Most of the time when he tries he gags himself. No one goes to kindergarten with a pacifier, and neither will Shirley girl.

Kara Jo said...

None of my kids ever sucked their fingers either, despite my wishes.

Good job putting things in perspective. :) Sounds like you and little Shirley are figuring things out as you go, and getting along just fine. :)

Katie R. said...

I'd vote for a nuk any day of the week, or any night of the week, whichever.

Carla said...

It is going to be just fine. The cherubs all spit their Nuks out and sucked on fingers and thumbs. Some still do.