Friday, April 11, 2008


Last night when it was time to set up the pack n play for the baby, I told Richard I could hardly wait to watch him set itup. He said, "Why? Because you've already tried it and I haven't?" "Yep," I said, dancing with the baby. "I'll give you a hint. Put the sides up before you push the bottom down."
What did Richard do?
You guessed it.
I watched him try for about four minutes, and ofered to help. I handed over the baby and started over on the portable crib.
I had it set up in about 30 seconds.
Rich said, "Wow! That's slick!"


Jolene said...

PMP! Practice Makes Perfect :)

Nice going, Mom!!

Jodi said...

Way to impress Daddy. BTW, two packs of gas drops at Target for $11.99. Totally worth it for Gassy Gracie!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I did the same exact thing to my hubby when I had my daughter.