Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rite of Passage

After today, Shirley Jean is no longer a baby. She is officially a kid.
Following my doctor visit today, Shirley got to have one of her own.
Shirley and Richard were outside when Shirley fell down in a major way and took a big chunk out of her forehead. When Richard called me, I could hardly hear him because she was screaming so loud. I, of course, was not home (momguiltmomguiltmomguilt), so Richard and I agreed to meet at Urgent Care because Richard "has been injured enough to know when someone needs stitches." (His words, not mine.)
So...two hours later we left with a glued-up toddler. I am so thankful they opted to glue the injury instead of stitching it--it would have just been more trauma.
Truthfully, I think the whole ordeal was harder on Richard than Shirley Jean. She was a real trooper, laughing and chatting with the nurse, giving kisses, and "explaining" what happened. The worst part was that they had to clean it out twice, because in the time it took the doctor to come in after the nurse cleaned it out, SJ had rubbed it and made it bleed again.
So, thank you, God, for protecting Shirley from what could have been a much worse injury, and thank you for blessing me with a cool-headed husband.


Unknown said...

Whew! So glad she's okay. ER visits are no fun!

kristi noser said...

Now you know, a little superglue goes a long way!
Richard, you handled that very well!

kathaleend said...

Thank you 3M for super glue!

And SJ just keeps smiling.

Glad to know Rich didn't have her on skates while you were gone.

angie said...

god bless that child. she's still smiling!

Kelli said...

Shannon said, "Aw!" when she saw the picture. But then, after seeing her smile, she said, "Well, it doesn't look like she really minds!" Isn't that the truth? Trauma like that hits the parents way harder than it seems to last for the child. I think you guys did a great job.

Congratulations, Shirley, and welcome to the world of big kids.

Jolene said...

oooh! poor baby!! dang i hate it when that stuff happens. (understatement of the year, yeah.)

Earl said...

SJ, Sophia wanted to tell you somthing. "Bok!" while smacking her head with her hand.