Monday, March 24, 2008


Possibly. But I'm sold.


Jolene said...

How cool! Where's lesson 2? And most importantly, do you find that it fits/works with little Shirley?

Carla said...

Is that for real??!!

Elisabeth said...

Yeah my friend back home had her baby in December and sure enough whenever baby Gracen was hungry she said's the Baby whisperer...she was on Oprah. I think it works.

the fam said...

As you will find out, babies are very smart. I know Beth taught Owen a little baby sign language, and it was fascinating to see him use it. "Sorry" was one of words he used often and appropriately. (He was a little rough with his big sister!) Shirley is a cutie. Congratulations to you and Richard. Let the fun begin!

Kara Jo said...

I saw this on Oprah as well and am convinced. Wish I'd heard about it 3 kids ago. :) Glad you have!

Carla said...

What do they say when they are wet? Have gas? Are tired? What if your baby is pretty content and coos instead of cries? Color me skeptical.

erin said...

Heh-Change me.
Owh-I'm tired.
Eh-Burp me--NOW!
Eairh-I need to fart.
Neh-I'm hungry.
Honestly, I've heard all of those noises and seen their corresponding actions.
I was skeptical at first, too.
Who I said, it could be nonsense!

Carla said...

Ok. I am sold on Baby Signs. I'll take Shirley's word for it.

kristi noser said...

There is no doubt in my mind that babies communicate. We just need to listen better. Soon you will know the difference in your Shirley Bug's cries.