Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Green Hippie Baby Bubble Butt

Erin: I'd like to exchange these two diaper covers for different sizes. These are too big.
Pretentious Hippie Store Clerk: OK, no problem!
Erin: Also, could you possibly show me a better way to fold the diapers when we use them? It's not going very well and I'm about to give up on having a "Green" baby. [Laughing awkwardly while pulling out a cloth diaper for a demonstration.]
Clerk: Well, I don't know what you expect. You bought the cheapest diapers possible.
Erin: Actually I didn't buy them. They were paid for by my Great-Grandma and supplied by a diaper service.
Clerk: Which diaper service? Blankety Diaper Service?
Erin: Yes...
Clerk: [Grabbing diaper from Erin and moving to the other end of the store.] Hey, OtherClerk, is Blankety is using these cheap diapers?
Erin: Did you think I was lying?
Clerk: [Ignoring question] Well, here's what you need. If you decide you're really going to do this, you should consider buying something nicer.
Erin: Right. Here's the receipt.
* * *
I didn't know Hippies were such asses.
Pun intended.


Anonymous said...

If this "Grand Ave GREEN Store" believes that your Cheap diapers are bad, maybe they shouldn't even sell this poor quality of fabric! Would this be the ol'bait and switch scheme? Shame on this Yuppie establishment for trying to put a guilt trip on such a loving-caring new mommy. Way to get your Mother hen feathers ruffled. Welcome to the club. Mom II ps: Tiny Hiney is better. Never to early to work on the female self esteem.

angie said...

hippies are jerks. especially the hypocritical ones.

Naomi said...

I agree! Shame on them for making YOU feel guilty. You have been trying really hard and simply asked for some kind suggestions. They had no right to bite your head off. Sounds like someone was having a really bad day. (By the way, I can hardly believe how much you have been out and about already! Go Erin!)

kristi noser said...

and snotty comments

Katie R. said...

I think personnel at baby stores should be trained in the fine art of catering to new mommies. I believe one could call that, customer service. I hear that's rare nowadays, however. Good job sticking up for yourself.

Amy said...

I completely agree with angie's sentiments.

Carla said...

Sorry, momma. She's a greenie meanie.