The Adventures of our growing family.
Shirley Jean: Born March 18, 2008
Richard Joseph: Born March 29, 2010
Brynn Felice: Born December 1, 2013
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Shirley's (actual) Third Birthday
"Daddy, I got a map." Riding the carousel!
The Richards. Hanging out. Richard has been anxiously waiting until Shirley was tall enough to take her on the log flume. He thought it would be so fun! I waited with trepidation, until...
...I saw this. Shirley LOVED the log flume. She DANCED her way to tell me all about it. It was so adorable that (as Shirley and Daddy headed toward the line to go again) a stranger approached me to tell me that my daughter was "to die for cute." I can't help but agree.
Once we made it home, we had to have some cupcakes!
Finally, sleeping beauty passed out nose to nose with Bambi...and her favorite gift.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Family Birthday Party!
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Name Game
Shirley: Shirley!
E: How old are you?
S: I'm FREE!
E. What's your last name?
S: Um, free?
E: Day-vuh-jay.
S: Blah-dee-bloo.
E: What's your name?
S: Shirley!
E: What's your last name?
E: Day-vuh-jay.
S: Blar-dee-blar.
E: Day-vuh-jay.
S: Bloop-bee-blop.
E: How old are you?
E: What's your last name?
S: Day-shay!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
First thing on the morning of Valentine's Day, I said to Shirley, "Happy Valentine's Day, Shirley! I love you." She responded by saying, "Happy Birthday, Mama! I yuff you! I WANT CHOCOLATE AND PRESENTS!"
Shirley Jean LOVED Valentine's Day. I mean, "Happy Natalie Day!" or "Happy Ballumtimes Day!" or "Happy Birthdaytimes Day!" It's really fun to teach her about different holidays and see her enthusiasm for every new thing she learns.
Lovey selfie. Opening valentines from Daddy.
Playing with Richard's special valentine gift from Daddy.