Thursday, February 9, 2012

Before & After

I get so tired of paying someone to trim Shirley's bangs that I decided to buy some (sharp!) scissors and try it myself. I have to say that the $9 I spent on scissors will probably pay for themselves in the next three months. I don't think I'm ready for full hair cuts, but I think I did pretty well on The Girl's bangs!


She had already brushed them to the side by the time I got the camera turned on, but you get the idea!
She is REALLY going to hate that cowlick in a few years.
I hope she grows out of it.
 I'm pretty dang proud of myself!


kathleend said...

Still waiting to grow out of my cowlick. I'll let you know when it happens.

Unknown said...

good job! I'm banned from cutting our kids hair ;)