Friday, February 24, 2012


This morning, Richard begged and begged me for eggs for breakfast. So, I went to the fridge to get the eggs--that's an easy enough breakfast. As soon as I got them out, he hit the floor in a complete meltdown screaming, "No, EGGS! EGGS! EGGS!"
I said, "Here are the eggs. I'll make you some eggs."
He said, "No! Eggs! Eggs!"
Finally in exasperation, I said, "Fine, show me the eggs."
He said, "Up, up!"
I picked him up and he pointed straight to this:

So, if you're ever at our house and Richard asks for eggs, rest assured he actually means clementines.
He thought it was pretty cool to stand at the counter to eat. He dripped all over the stool so that his toes were sticky when I cleaned him up. A small price to pray for happiness.


Kathaleend said...

Eggs! You know the orange ones!

angie said...

omg, hilarious. at least HE knew what he meant! :)