Friday, June 24, 2011

He walks!

Richard actually took his first steps several months ago, but has refused to walk all this time. We have been waiting and waiting for him to take the plunge and last week he finally did!
He's started getting very brave and actually walking more than he crawls. These milestones are so bittersweet. I just love the "drunk Frankenstein" baby steps, though. I will miss them (next week) when he is running around chasing his sister with sticks.

Sorry for my lame video commentary. Am I ever going to learn?


angie said...

oh man, CUTE! congrats, richard! also, i'm pretty sure he walks more stabily than quinn does! everyone always remarks on how drunk he seems to walk ... haha. so maybe you have some hope with that frankenstein stuff.

Carla said...

So sweet!! Actually I think he ran for a sec.

Commentary can come back and bite ya can't it??

Unknown said...

can't wait to see the video of them chasing each other around the tv.

make sure you get him a belt too or Shirley will be at an advantage.

Jolene said...

cute cute cute cute cute! i just love watching those little ones toddle around - makes my heart melt a little :)

erin said...

Carla, yes. It can.
Carrie, coming soon!

erin said...

Sisters, thanks. :)