At 14 months, My Girl is really growing up. She is ALL over the place now, running, bouncing and playing with her buddy, Pedro.
Shirley Jean is Mama's girl through and through, and even though we're getting past the Mommy ONLY phase we've been in for a couple of months, she still would rather be with me (even if Daddy is WAAAAAAAY more fun and offers WAAAAAAAAAY more white sugar), which is fine with me, because there is no one else I'd rather spend 24 hours a day with.
Shirley is very physically affectionate, giving hugs and kisses without being asked. When I pick her up, she pats my back (like I've done for her since she was born), and this moning she grabbed my hand and rubbed it back and foth against her head so I would scratch he head. She's loved that since we brought her home.
Shirley's likes:
-Having her hair done! Both the act, and the final product.
-Stuffed animals. She hugs and kisses them, though not dollies.
-Watching Pedo and Kitty play. She stands within inches of them and cheers them on.
-All food. All. Food.
-Straws! SJ looooooooves drinking from a straw. I think it makes her feel like a big girl.
-"Folding" laundry.
-"Chasing" daddy.
-Bath time!
Shirley's dislikes:
-Taking her hair out.
-Going to bed when there's company--she doesn't want to miss any action!
-The baby gate. :(
-Dirt. This girl does NOT like getting her hands dirty.
-Honestly, that's all I can think of.
Shirley's "Words:"
-"Uh oh oh."
-Still no Mama or Dada.