I had my 38 Week appointment yesterday.
I gained two pounds, putting me at a grand total of 27 pounds!
My BP was 120/67.
I measure right on schedule at 38cm.
I am also just about 1cm dilated and 70% effaced.
Lots of progress from last week...sort of.
Fern always checks my ankles for swelling and yesterday commented that I'm starting to look like I'm really getting ready to have this baby. I'm still not quite sure what that means other than the fact that my socks make a stripe on my ankles and my face is getting fatter. She said that we should plan on two more weeks til it comes, but that it could happen at any time.
I woke up at 4:00 this morning and my feet and hands were so swollen that they were tingly and ithy and didn't even want to bend. Rich helped me wedge pillows under my back and butt so that I would HAVE to sleep on my left side. By 7, the swelling had gone down significantly.
At this point, baby weighs about 7lbs, and has a very firm grip. Its organs are now "fully developed" and ready for life outside the womb.
DesvousJunior keeps getting the hiccups like crazy! Fern says that means he or she will be a good nurser! Here's hoping!