Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stupid Bassinet!

Last night when I discovered that the heat was turned down to SIXTY-THREE DEGREES, I chastised Richard. We had a good giggle about it and forgot about it immediately.
I went into the bedroom, then, barefoot and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and SLAMMED my foot into the bassinet at the foot of our bed. I gashed open the top of my toe which immediately started throbbing.
I looked down, expecting blood, but only saw a pink mark.
Richard said, "I bet it would be bleeding if it wasn't so cold in here."
Har, har.


Jodi said...

Nice. Hope your toe feels better.

Katie R. said...

I'm hoping his levels of sympathy increase before baby day. ;)

How did it ever get down to 63? I thought that only happened at my house.

Kara Jo said...

You make me laugh!