Sunday, March 9, 2008

Turning 40

Jodi is working on having her baby RIGHT NOW. I don't mind admitting that I laid in bed all day today pouting.
It also occurs to me that some of you might be wondering how I'm doing since I haven't blogged.
Well, I'm 40 weeks today and I'm mad about it.
And I'm ashamed that I'm mad.
Even more shameful, I'm still not all that uncomfortable. I don't want to go back to work.


Carla said...

You are doing great!! That babe is getting ready to be seen!!

angie said...

i don't blame you for being mad! enough is enough. come onnnnnnn baby d!
(hehehe my code word is "oyyeep"! i think that about sums it all up, right?)

Unknown said...

I think we're all ready.

Kara Jo said...

It's OK--how you're feeling. All of it. You're ready to meet the little one! And it's maddening to go past the date you had wished to deliver by. Devousjunior will come soon.

Cara said...

If you are on my time-clock, you still have 10 days to go. Does that make you feel better?

Kidding. You are almost done. Enjoy your last few days with Richard. Go on a date--it will be awhile before you do that again. Get some sleep. Enjoy some "me time."

You are almost done. Seriously.

Elisabeth said...

Hang in there Erin! God has planned the perfect day and the perfect moment for Your baby to meet you. Just know that even though none of know when that is - it is drawing closer and closer. I can not wait to see the beauty of you're baby!

I'm sending good thoughts and wishes your way!

Anonymous said...

Okay, my first was a week late - he waited for the full moon. That's still 11 days away. But, the second and third came 1 and 4 days after the new moon, so according to my calculations, you should have the baby no later than ... today. Good luck. LOL!

It won't be much longer, even though it feels eternal. And I look forward to reading about your future posts labeled "poop." Because you will have them. :o)