Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love from Austria

Your text the other day came while I was in the shower.
George called from the other room, "It's from Erin! It's the baby!" I tried to spin around and say what what what?????!!!!! Except we have one of those tiny, install a shower in your kitchen between the stove and the sink just so you can wash yourself every once in awhile, shower module things, and when I tried to turn around, blinded by the soap in my eyes, I banged my head on the shower head and only didn't fall on my ass because my knees banged into the walls of the shower-box, and I kind of crumpled down into a half-fetal position and got stuck there, trying to bat the soap out of my burning eyes and sputtering when George came in and said: "Oh, I guess it says: No Baby... Jenna? What's wrong with you??"

I guess I should be more careful when texting internationally.


angie said...

hehehe okay, tough not to at least giggle at that scene, but i'm glad to hear jenna made it through, only to be stronger in the end. :)

Jolene said...

LOL! poor girl!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the problem is that you're texting to the wrong country. Text that the baby IS here to someone in Australia who's already on tomorrow and then maybe the baby will feel the need to make it a reality! Just a thought... :o)

Glad Jenna's okay. Those showering/texting incidents can be rough. LOL!

Carla said...

When one is no longer employed it would seem that one might have more time for blogging. Best get to it. Or have a baby. Whichever.