I just went to the cafeteria for breakfast. Usually, I grab a bagel and cream cheese or if the "hot" option looks good, I'll pick that up. I've NEVER been a big breakfast eater. In fact, eating breakfast usually turns my stomach.
Until now.
I bought two breakfast eggrolls (a 3M rarety, but very popular). As I held the tongs in my hand I thought, "Should I get 3?"
Visions of gaining
more than my allotted 25-35lbs flashed through my mind and I only purchased two.
Now I'm sitting here, I have no idea what happened to my two eggrolls (though the dish is empty), and I'm ready for breakfast.
I entered Week 12 yesterday, and it seems that with the end of the first trimester, my appetite is returning. As of my first
Doctor's Visit, I had lost a total of 8lbs (thought you wouldn't guess it from my expanding waistline), perhaps my weight deficit will begin to disappear soon.
Nobody really warns you how your body changes in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, other than the obvious breastular changes. Nobody told me that my waistline would COMPLETELY disappear and I would begin resemble a square block of flesh. If it wasn't for the aforementioned breastular changes, I would just look like a 13-year-old boy.
This is why there haven't been photos yet. Nobody wants to see a 13-year-old boy with out-of-control breasts.